Just some random thoughts and things that I had learned that i wrote in my notebook when I went to go visit Dad the other day.

-I've confronted and now deal with the possibility of something that brought unease to my mind, and could always snap my mind back to the present of, at least it's not right now, and that's not the way it is.

-Regardless of what your faith is, to have such faith in what you believe and know to be true and have peace because of it even in the face of death, is a powerful, powerful, and profound thing to witness.

-Now that I look at it, being able to analyze everything, Dad knew at the end that he was dying, but he had completely surrendered his will, saying God knew what was best in store for him, and that's why he was confident in passing and that his spirit and will still fought with an amazing intensity, and inspired us all to do so in the process.

-I've witnessed and experienced, the power of faith, and the astounding heights in which one can attain when put in certain life situations that test all you know and believe.

-Afterlife used to be a bit incomprehensible to me, and a tough concept to grasp, but after these past weeks and certain experiences, stories, and lessons have left me with a greater grasp and concept of it.

-I look at life now as a stepping stone on the way to bigger things, and that I can't waste it not being of use to others and spread some good will.

-The one question that I'll be accountable for at the end of my life will be
"How did i live love?"

-Dad is so much with me and he factors into so many of my thinking processes and a big influence on the decisions I make and will make for the rest of my life, so in that way I know he will never be forgotten, he will be with me, and his legacy will live on.