Man...first off thanks to Tang, Mike Sizzle, and Phir Ree, and the idea of TANGIBLE RESULTS!

I've never actually thought about starting a blog, but after realizing that making notes on facebook might be a bit too public, (as mike put it, yelling it out to the neighborhood) i figured i need an open place of my own to articulate my thoughts and feelings and inspirations that we all encounter on th
e daily with those interested. So Jeff suggested starting a blog, and it made perfect sense. (as mike put it, having people knock on your door to hear your thoughts). Well, welcome in! I hope that this becomes something that is: thought provoking, indicative of who i feel myself to be, a platform for me to learn about myself, others, and to be dropped limitless knowledge upon by whoever who is willing to teach me. So here's to the beginning of something beautiful! -RayPublish Post