What up what up!
So after a crazy day 4 yesterday, of just basically becoming immersed in the Maori culture and meeting some the most influential leaders in that community, I finally got pictures up! Deinitely the most powerful thing for me yesterday was our meeting and interview with D.L.T, basically one of the pioneers of hip hop in New Zealand, and a practioner of all elements in hip hop. Check out the mural he did in the albums. He brought a different perspective, and just drop KNOWLEDGE! He was insightful, straight shooting, encouraging, engaging, and just all in all one of the most interesting people I have ever met. But I'll def write about that more in the future, here are the links to my photo albums though! Enjoy. PEACE til next time!





Anonymous said...

Ryan! You look like you're having so much fun!! Keep the photos comin'! It looks cold there, does your Ate need to send you a jacket or what?! ;) Can't wait to see more pics! Love, Ate

12FV, RFV said...

did a little poem inspired by you. check it!
