one of the dopest things about working @ road trip is not only having the resources here to pursue the audio, video, music aspects of my life that I wanna expand, but the little nuggets of wisdom that you come across on the daily whether it be from ide-a-ting, chatting, or working with the content. At any given moment you can be struck with an epiphany, or a slight catharsis that further molds your thinking, or gets you hyped as what on your personal goals.

I was going through the interviews on the website for some new interviews were about to put online, and I heard a cool quote used by Michael Jager, he's the founder of the creative firm for Burton.

"The world will conspire to support you, if you really magnify what it is you believe in, and people will rally around you" - Simon Woodruff.

It was huge for me in that I've been working on lately putting myself out there as far as trying to wear and carry what I believe in, and the things I'm going for wihout being apologetic for it, or feeling self conscious. Here at Road trip is also inspiring because I learn from people here who are fearless about owning their own personal nuances and quirks, and are willing to project out the things they are passionate about. Hopefully this daily learning's gonna let me just let it go in my music, and not be apologetic for not fitting into a box, and as Michal Jager advises, "Do it with balls, you can do whatever the hell you want". holler. p.l.p