Been thinking all day today about making the decision to really buckle down and go for this music/expression journey...Moving back home and making the adjustments I've had to with certain relationships from Irvine to those back here in the Bay, have in a way solidified and cemented to me the person I want to be, and the things I want to strive for and learn. It's the adjustment to learn on how to do it by being a self starter and proactive, with mostly me having to back myself, and believe that I can achieve it regardless, that seems daunting.

In seeing the community of blogs I am encouraged, cause I see our different situations and different points in life, yet we share a common bond in the way we look at the world and have an idealistic visions, while understanding we ourselves are works in progress in dealing with our short comings, but trying to find the resolve to let our lights shine without being apologetic for illuminating it to the rest of the world.

A wise man (omar) once wrote in my notebook "All colors shine in different shades", I see that in those that surround me ,and those that influence and inspire me, and in that regard you all empower me to further be myself and nothing more, and be content in it. So thanks! It's funny, when you are so reassured of the positivity and optimism that surrounds you, when you get down or something difficult is staring you down straight on, you're not worried because though you know it will be a strugggle, you have the folks around you that will highlight the lessons and tidbits of wisdom that you have to gain from an experience. I am constantly provided with that light at the end of the tunnel by those around me, so I feel blessed to be able embrace struggle with the confidence that I'll be better for it at the end of the day.

So if you got the time to share with me, I'm going to start posting up a picture every so often and just free write on it from my perspective, and what I gather, I would love if you had the time if you could write and post anything on it, as short or as long as you want, no matter who you are, how you perceive the picture, how it strikes you, what it makes you feel, literally anything. Just the gesture of taking your time to share with me would mean more than you know. So here's the picture and here's to shining in each of our own shades!

emanations of illuminating guidance; streamline ettiquette for part time nobility
checkpoints navigate brightly; only to be abandoned then reduced to utilities
if these lanterns could only talk, patrolling square feet in ubiquity,

from car jacking, to bass slapping, and reactions of couples arguing lividly,

from 9-5s most wanted, to solitude concrete embossed in
the mundane
pillars holding up structure, earning keep enough to observe
blocked by the happenings in the daylights by cars parked "reserved"
but free to gaze when the actions headed home for they day

off to gyms, pickin up children, praising hymns, living for the rest of their lives to be filled in

at least there's no hectic, no rush, its all peace,
this garage is livin all good
with this clear view of its symmetry,
but in the same regard its the clarity of its solitude

When i saw this i thought about how what if garages weren't inanimate. I noticed that they are always symmetrical and so streamlined and at times are so hallowed and so fought over for its spaces, during times of peoples great personal needs, like rushing to work, shopping at the mall, or going to class. But at the end of the day, the same rush in which people come, they also leave, and it then leaves the garage for the whole rest of the day completely useless and empty.


SuJ said...

those parking structures always remind me of a skeleton. a pseudo-building that never had the flesh of walls, windows, and insulation. hearing the wind blow through them in the late nights bring about this sense of hallow-ness, the eeire sounds of a skeleton of a building.

the cars flowing in and out also are significant. the structure is not usually the destination. it is a place holder for you to get to your destination. the skeleton consumes and expels you on ur current needs.

i've had a few drinks. and u're so cool. haha

dphuong said...

in regards to your photo without dwelling but a quick glance:

i am lured by the lights to look forward; i've always wanted to time travel. but i am delusioned by the curves of my eyes to look back, around, at myself, because the pull of my mind can't erace time. where is that we're going? we, past and future. no where, but here. here i am. here i will be, here is where i want to be. in the peace of this space that i've created for my self.