the exposure to South by Southwest has been ridiculous.

the insights has been beyond my own understanding right now

here are some tidbits and rambling on the mammoth music festival in Austin.

-Jim Jim's Water Ice, perfect for an icy food addict!
-I've never seen a whole city become a giant music venue before.
-Sometimes I felt like I was in some Guitar Hero spots
-It's so dope to see musicians all walking around amongst everybody, and not
carrying this notion of being above the fans, and acting accordingly.
-Never take a Wholefoods cart off the premises, or an investor walking her
dog will track you down and forcefully take the cart back
-you can make all kinds of connections just being friendly and talking to folks
and a lot of the times they're involved in music
-I love that the music here is driven by creation, not by market.
-being completely surrounded by music in every direction, on every block, every street, does something for you creatively that I can't really explain, i need to go to more music festivals.
-it's not necessarily talent that stops people, but their own hunger

some advice from our interviews

Mikey aka DJ Jester-run with what you think is dope.
-do the things you love, and embrace every facet of life, the happy and the sad, it's all part of life, and it keeps it from being boring.
-listen to all music, don't restrict yourself.

Headlights-you can make music from wherever you are in this age, the only thing that is stopping you is your motivation and how willing you are to go for it. If there's somewhere you need to be, you can still be there and be creative.(I asked them about how if i had to move back home and how that makes me feel restricted and the struggle of keeping my mental and creative freedom)
-When you realize the worst thing somebody can do is tell you they hate your stuff, and you deal with that, then you break through this wall into ultimate creative freedom, it's almost a necessity
-If something doesn't work out, you can always chage your mind

The Deep Vibration-(they referenced a Bruce Springsteen song and this stuck with me, its from "Racing in the Street")
Some guys they just give up living
And start dying little piece by piece
Some guys come home from work and wash up
And go racin' in the street
-They were talking about how you can do what you love to do, even if you can't commit your every waking moment to it. You can work during the day at the coffee shop and go home and either write the next pages of your book, or you can go home and think about writing the next pages of your book, it doesn't have to be the greatest, it just needs to be done.

Blue Scholars/Common Market-(in answering my questioning myself about my place in hip hop and those who will question me as i continue to make music)
RA Scion answered in paraphrase as best i can remember
Look at me, I'm a white dude from Louisville, Kentucky and how out of place i seem, but the one thing you have to do is truly know yourself, to be able to analyze. Before you can answer the questions that others will ask of you, you need to have already posed those questions to yourself, and form your own sense of identity from that, and what those answers mean to you
-Ra also spoke to me about losing his father, and how he and I pretty much have the same life story, and it creates one of those dope connecting moments when realizing that we are from different paths and walks in life, yet we connect in a very deep deep way. Big Ups RA!
-Sabzi spoke about not being so caught up in these huge elaborate dreams and goals but focusing on the present and the million opportunities that are in front of our face every single day, and we need to take advantage of those, and that is what will lead to the bigger things.
-Geo's last piece of advice was to quote two great thinkers of our time Bill S. Logan Esq. and Ted Theodore Logan, with, "Be excellent to each other, and rock on dudes!". Amazing, I love that one of the emcees i look up to the most, can use Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, to inspire me! He said, let's just start from there, being good to each other, and move on from there.

Emil from Loney, Dear-He told us things in this interview that I know Mariana and I really needed to hear as aspiring kiddies in music. He started making music at 22, when he moved back home with his parents and just started pumping out music, and learning about music. He wanted to make something of his own, and searching for his creativity. He knew he was going to be broke for a couple years but he just said eff it, and went through with it cause he loved what he was going to do.
-He said when you are creative, you need to just keep it at that, and not try to expect that it will lead to this and then lead to the next thing.
-You can't be too influenced by the past or the movement you are following in, because you need to do what you want to do and make your own thing, and if you're consumed in something like the original hip hop movement, then you will be trying to act how they would have acted, not as you want to for your creativity.

SWEDISH people are soooo tiiiight!

But there's so much more, i just need more time to decompress the thoughts even more. Cheers, and keep creating true to yourself folks!


SuJ said...

sooo freakin legit