awhile back i blogged about being stuck in kansas in the middle of a snowstorm and Junior our RV being broke down. During the day of being stuck, we had to move the rv or either be towed or fined, so we tried pushing it in the snow, when a family came to help us push it. For me it was a show of hospitality and care from friendly midwesterners, and helped shape my fondnest for the midwest, against the preconceived notions I had about it before the trip. But check out this email from the family that helped us push the RV, ridonkulous, we had no idea. Amazing the connections you can make out on the road, and it's great to be back in Costa Mesa, let the madness begin!

Subject: Checking on the College Tour going on now....

Hi Jason,
My name is Kathy Forner and my husband and 2 boys live in Kansas City. One Sunday morning a few weeks ago we went to Whole Foods and there in the parking lot was the green RV! We had no idea what it was for, but it was obvious your team needed a hand (or many hands J). Our family helped them push the RV out of the parking lot (to a better spot) until they could get it to start again.
So, why am I telling you all of this? Because helping them that morning was such a pleasant and great experience for my family. It really gave my boys (10 and 12) a true sense of accomplishment and it was…well it was just fun! Probably more information than you need or want to know, but with one of our sons on the autism spectrum, let’s just say family time is a bit stressful. It allowed our family, something spontaneous and fun to do together, and it helped to ease the stress of the day. I don’t know how spiritual you are, but we had just left church and a sermon on service…so I kind of like to believe the RV was there for us. J
My youngest son keeps saying “I can’t believe I pushed an RV!”, and my oldest son continues to wear the hat they gave him…and we have passed out the buttons and stickers as well. I contacted my niece and told her she should apply too! I have to say, everyone I have told the story to about the RV and what your purpose is were fascinated!
So, bottom line. Where are they now? How are they? When will you have pictures on the website about this tour?
Keep up the great work! If my car wasn’t already in autopilot on the road of life, I would hop in the RV!
Can’t wait to get an update.
And thanks for the motivation and refreshing outlook on life!


ma said...

my eyes are watery :) ahhhhhhhh

SuJ said...

it's a mystery and a miracle how the distress of one person can become a source of positivity and healing for others. you are doing so much with your life right now, man. you are just too much man.